Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Oh no, no, she never goes to work...

I must admit it took me 2 months to figure out how to upload the last pic of Esly talking on the phone.  This is what she looked like this morning as she said "no no no no no no".  The last few days she's been saying "no" a lot.  I mean, a discouraging and confusing amount.  She wasn't exactly being sassy and didn't seem unhappy but I was feeling a little out of the loop.  Finally while talking to Andrew I realized she was singing, not being ornery.  We recently got the They Might Be Giants 123's dvd.  There is a wonderful song that goes "oh no, no, I never go to work" and then details how each of the 7 days of the week the singer never does go to work.  Well, we love that song.  So does Esly.   And here she is singing it for you:

Esly likes to talk on the phone a lot...

...and her phones are, well, anything.  Alphabet blocks, juice bottles, dirty socks- all phones.  Baby spoons with food all over them, real cell phones, her shoes...all get the same treatment.  "Da da do, doohh. "  On and on with major inflection.  Pretty funny.