Seattle Trip: 11 hours in the car and everyone is OKAY!!!
We just returned from a quick trip to Seattle...we had a work related excuse to drive to this lovely city and made the most of it. We stopped at Multnomah Falls, a beautiful place. The crowded tourist atmosphere just added to my enjoyment because all the other tourists were so thoroughly enjoying themselves.
We stayed a night in Olympia with our friends Heather, David and their family. It is a wonderful thing to catch up with old friends. I really can't explain the comfort of seeing a familiar face. It's refreshing to see how we all keep changing. Through moves, marriages, children, new jobs, losses, all the things that life brings's amazing to be constantly surprised by what God is doing in our lives! We went on to Seattle and spent some time with the Mazzarello's. Esly became enamoured with Steph one afternoon and had quite a little conversation going. She ran through her repertoire of sounds a few times with heartfelt vocal intonation.
So it seems many of us are reluctant to blog about our "real" lives. Quite a few friends have called, emailed, etc. that they are also uncomfortable or unsure about sharing their significant musings in an open forum. I'm going to get more information about password protected blogs...
Oh, and on the way home we passed through some of the places they filmed Twin Peaks. Oooohhh....creepy.